Which occupation is most susceptible to heart disease?

Which occupation is most susceptible to heart disease?

Leading the US-based research team, scientist Leslie MacDonald, said police, firefighters, truck drivers and paramedics were also more likely to be at risk.

Middle-aged employees working in sales, offices, or food services will have a high risk of cardiovascular health effects.

MacDonald and colleagues studied the health data of more than 5,500 men and women aged 45 and older, then assessed their heart health with factors including blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. , physical activity, smoking, diet, and muscle mass index (BMI).

Research results show that 2 out of 3 sales or office workers have unhealthy eating habits and have bad cholesterol levels. 4 out of 5 employees are lazy to exercise. Catering staff have the worst eating habits of the profession, with 4 in 5 having a poor diet.

9 out of 10 police, firefighters, security guards and security service personnel are overweight or obese. Three-quarters of them have bad cholesterol levels and have high blood pressure.

Besides, managers and professionals are the ones with the best heart health. A third of people in this area have an ideal BMI and only 6% smoke.

However, up to 72% of financial and business employees have unscientific eating habits.

In addition, people aged 45 and over who work in sales and office jobs are more likely to smoke, have an unhealthy diet, be sedentary, and be prone to high blood pressure. Truckers and transporters have the highest smoking rates.

"People working in service occupations have lower-than-ideal blood pressure and body mass index. The risk of cardiovascular disease is also evident in security-related occupations, including security guards, police and firefighters," MacDonald said.

The results of this study add to the worldwide literature on cardiovascular disease. Experts also advise employees of the profession to increase physical activity, have a healthy diet, sleep, avoid smoking and stress.

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